The brain (with the physical system of Mass, Energy, Space, and Time-MEST which is like hardware) and consciousness (with the spirit system of the mind, consciousness, emotion, and desire-MECD are like software) can produce life information and life gene.
There also are human’s structures both physiology and psychology which should relate to their habit, behavior, and mind; and disabled structures should cause pains or aches both of body and emotion.
According to 5-6 the entrails and five skandhas-eight consciousness, an advance idea there is a system of 5-8 entrails and another system of 5-8 skandhas-consciousness had been brought forward.
That is called duality 5-8 symmetrical structures. Thirteen regular meridians instead of twelve regular meridians. (Dayong Cao, 1995)
5-6 the entrails: which are the viscera or internal organs of the body (heart, spleen, liver, lungs, and kidneys which are the vital organs of the human body).
five skandhas: which inside information or aggregates of eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body.
我提出五脏八腑系统,并与五蕴八识系统配套。十三正经。(Dayong Cao, 1995)