Everyone has pain in their body and heart; from they were born, everyone unwitting increases their pain every day; nobody cares for any of that, but it is important for everyone.
You have more money, you have more power, you have more status, and you have more fame; but if you have more pain, sometimes you awake, you do not like that pain and wish to reduce pain even though lose other things.
Why, How, and What?
I am David. I am a free thinker, and I care about health, life, and the universe.
Some balckground working
In 2006, after studying consciousness, I brought forward consciousness evolution.
See Dayong Cao, “Consciousness changing the photoelectric principle by slow wave”, https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1109/CIMCA.2006.76
In 2008, I had taken definitions that time is a frequency and space is the amplitude square.
According to 5-6 the entrails and five skandhas-eight consciousness, an advanced idea there is a system of 5-8 entrails and another system of 5-8 skandhas-consciousness had been brought forward.
That is called duality 5-8 symmetrical structures. Thirteen regular meridians instead of twelve regular meridians. (Dayong Cao, 1995)
5-6 the entrails: which are the viscera or internal organs of the body (heart, spleen, liver, lungs, and kidneys which are the vital organs of the human body).
five skandhas: which are inside information or aggregates of the eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body.
我提出五脏八腑系统,并与五蕴八识系统配套。十三正经。(Dayong Cao, 1995)
From 1995 to 1997, a new system of life was built. The brain (with the physical system of Mass, Energy, Space, and Time-MEST which is like hardware) and consciousness (with the spirit system of the mind, consciousness, emotion, and desire-MECD are like software) can produce life information and life gene.
These are new methods to study the universe and life.
In 2011, According to my systems both astrophysics and earth’s lives, a period of mass extinction is right calculated. And try to reveal the truth of life and death. It is a era point in 2030.
Mass extinction is a big death for every life on the earth, that is a death of the life system of the earth; and the mass extinction was caused by life and the universe together.
Besides, our lives relate to the solar system, the milky way galaxy, and the universe beyond.
I advise some trains such as TaiChi, Qigong, Yoga, and meditation are good for health and life.
People will always have diseases and pains, and everyone hopes to reduce hin/her pain and get healthy and well.
人人都会生病和病痛, 大家也都希望获得健康。
We will introduce methods to reduce pain and health restoration.
Chinese proverb: highest-level doctor does not have Patients by prevention, middle-level doctors understand the diseases of the Patients by early detection, and lowest-level doctors treat the disease by medicines.
Some important ideas
I am interested in the relationship between the balanced structure of the milky way galaxy and a period of mass extinctions. The first in the world, I had given the idea there is a period of 250 million years of mass extinctions. (Dayong Cao, 2010) There were 11/15 (over 70%) big and small mass extinctions that had the circle including the sixth mass extinction today.
我提出2亿5千万年的地球生物大灭绝周期,解释了今天第六次生物大灭绝在周期上的合理性。(Dayong Cao, 2010)
See Dayong Cao, “The mass, energy, space and time systemic theory-MEST-the author’s new idea about the comet be authenticated”.
See Dayong Cao, “The mass, energy, space and time systemic theory-MEST-the author’s new idea about the comet be authenticated”
In this abstract (2011), I gave the idea that there is a companion black hole in the solar system.
In Astrophysics, there is a new discussion about the companion black hole of the star after 2019.
“Sun-like star found orbiting closest black hole to Earth”
Located just under 1,600 light-years away, the discovery suggests there might be a sizable population of dormant black holes in binary systems.
By The Physics arXiv Blog | Published: Tuesday, November 15, 2022
See Colin Stuart,
“Mysterious, ancient black holes may have been shaping the Universe’s destiny since its birth. Here’s how”
By Colin Stuart, Published: 08th January, 2022 at 16:00
Since just after the Big Bang, ancient black holes may have been shaping the Universe as we know it. Now, scientists are tantalisingly close to glimpsing these mysterious objects for the first time.
Before 2015, Scientists consider there is a period of 27 million years of mass extinctions that relate to the structure of the solar system. But it can not explain of date of the new sixth mass extinction now.
The periodic structure of both the solar system and the milky way galaxy will influence people’s lives through their relationship between lives and the universe among designs, structures, and functions.
If there is a resonance between the solar system and the milky way galaxy, it will influence people more because the event will radiate more special radiations to hurt lives. That event may explode soon. Therefore we need a revolution in thinking, science, and technology.
Usually, this kind of radiation is also bad for health because it can break the spacetime structure of life including polar molecules and atoms. People do not know the radiation, I will not call its name here.
It does not mean I do not want to tell you that. Please let me explain. When we talk about structures in both the solar system and the milky way galaxy, the structure means space-time structure or geometry structure. But they are Unconfused, and there are even some mistakes. There is no right place to argue right from wrong in physics.
For example, I had taken definitions that time is a frequency and space is the amplitude square. These ideas are different from science which does not has definitions both of space and time.
But the “radiation” is really. It also takes dark life to invade the earth and life.
In our experiments, a remotely wireless mechanism can cause experimental phenomena which can not be explained by physical theory. Facts speak louder than words.
如果太阳系与银河系存在共振,则会产生特殊辐射,对生物造成更大的伤害。 包括它带来暗生命入侵地球生命。
Why are there some periods of mass extinctions? You will think about the periods both of planets and stars.
Why are there periods both of planets and stars? Because there is gravity.
Why is there gravity between a planet and a star? Because there is a Curved space and time.
Why does the space-time curve? Because there is a mass or field of the mass. Why there is a mass? Because of particle…
Ok, my answer is there is a system of mass, energy, space, and time that relate and almost decide the periods.
Would you think that there is a mind of the universe? Would you believe the universe has life systems?
Long essays, nay…
The brain (with the physical system of Mass, Energy, Space, and Time-MEST which is like hardware) and consciousness (with the spirit system of the mind, consciousness, emotion, and desire-MECD are like software) can produce life information and life gene.
There also are human’s structures both physiology and psychology which should relate to their habit, behavior, and mind; and disabled structures should cause pains or aches both of body and emotion.
According to 5-6 the entrails and five skandhas-eight consciousness, an advance idea there is a system of 5-8 entrails and another system of 5-8 skandhas-consciousness had been brought forward.
That is called duality 5-8 symmetrical structures. Thirteen regular meridians instead of twelve regular meridians. (Dayong Cao, 1995)
5-6 the entrails: which are the viscera or internal organs of the body (heart, spleen, liver, lungs, and kidneys which are the vital organs of the human body).
five skandhas: which inside information or aggregates of eye, ear, nose, tongue, and body.
我提出五脏八腑系统,并与五蕴八识系统配套。十三正经。(Dayong Cao, 1995)
Some diseases and pains come from disorders of organs and function of the duality 5-8 symmetrical structures and the unbalanced universe. That means the duality of 5-8 symmetrical structures and the balanced structure of the universe will help people look for methods for pain or ache relief.
As an originator of Avoid Earth Extinction Association from 2012 to now, the early organization about saving mass extinction in the world, Avoid Earth Extinction.org, David believes in understanding the integral and complex systems including both the solar system and human system is essential for health well being.
Prevent disease is more important than cure of disease
There are many kinds of pains and aches: joint pain, muscle pain, neuropathic pain, headache, eye pain, shoulder pain, hand pain, back pain, stomachache, low back pain, hip pain, menstrual pain, leg pain, and foot pain.
At first, people usually have a slight feeling of ache and don’t pay attention to that until it becomes more serious pain; it will interfere with people’s normal life.
The Patients have no choice but to Seek medical advice from a rehabilitation therapist with costly appointments. Most patients did not have the time or financial resources for frequent clinic visits.
Therefore, some self-care products that are effective for relieving pain and helping to restore one’s health will need to be introduced.
With these products and pain management, people should train and exercise self-help in rehabilitation therapy and prophylactic treatment. Reducing pain is a Systematic engineering for your health.
Are you ready?
There is a pain mission with systemic methods for health well being
According to duality 5-8 symmetrical structures, my mission of reducepain.net is that help people recuperate their health through self-care products and systemic methods of reducing pain-pain management.
It includes natural methods, physical therapy, Sport, Fitness, nutrition, food, drink, rest, sleep, habit, behavior, mind, rehabilitation, restoration, TaiChi, Yoga, QiGong, Meditation, Chen, science, genetic engineering, transgenesis, clone, stem cells, Gene shear, Biological enzymes, Biological bacteria, Biological strains, AI, Space science-technology, change the orbit of the earth, and a way to avoid sixth earth’s mass extinction.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
David Cao
w. aeea.net
e. dyc@aeea.net