
Hey Everyone: You are Welcome!

Who We Are

The “Avoid Earth Extinction Association” is a nonprofit and member of  DESA NGO (of ECOSOC in UN ) sine 2012.

UN draft plan sets 2030 target to Avert Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction


Avoid Earth Extinction Association is dedicated to safeguarding our planet’s future by promoting sustainable practices, advocating for environmental policies, and fostering global awareness. Our mission is to unite individuals, communities, and organizations in a collective effort to combat climate change, preserve biodiversity, and reduce pollution. Through education, innovation, and collaboration, we aim to inspire positive action and drive meaningful change. We believe that by empowering people with knowledge and resources, we can create a resilient and thriving Earth for generations to come. Together, we can make a difference and ensure a sustainable future for all living beings. Join us in our mission to protect and preserve our planet.

In 2010, We brought forward that there was the period of 250 million years of the mass extinctions on our earth-”Extinction Clock”. There were 80% mass extinctions have the period.

See Dayong Cao, “Times of Mass Extinctions Drew The Cross And HeTu*” https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR24/Session/OD01.9

In 2012, We brought forward that there were dark comets belt and asteroids belt which impacted on our earth to cause the mass extinctions. 

In 2014, according to advanced Einstein field Equation, we brought forward that there are TaiJi balanced model of the Solar system and universe which relates to the period of the mass extinctions. 

“The mass, energy, space and time systemic theory-MEST”


Ring of nine Gamma Ray Burst overlap with the hot spot of my hypothesis


In 2010, We brought forward that there was a spacetime center in Jupiter that supported the TaiJi model of the Solar system and was proven by NASA’s new measurements.

See Cao, Dayong, J03.00008 ”My Idea that Jupiter Has A Spacetime (Gas AS Liquid Fluid ) Center Was Supported By New NASA Observations of Jupiter


In 2014, We brought forward that there are periods of biosphere,  biological system, and biotic environment. 

In 2014, We brought forward that there is TaiJi balanced model of DNA among the biosphere,  biological system, and biotic environment which relates to mass extinctions. 

In 2016, We also brought forward that there were lives on Jovian planet which NASA tried to find out.

See Dayong Cao, S17.00077 ”AreThere Lives On Jovian Planet


Why are these ideas fundamental because they decide the future of humans?

The Goal

Avoid the Earth’s Sixth Mass Extinction.

We must Avoid the next mass extinction when a dark comet belt and asteroid belt impact our Earth.

We need to avoid the degradation of life and genetic mutation in the next mass extinction.


The Way

Studying and researching the reason for the period of 250 million years of the mass extinctions -” Extinction Clock”.

Studying and researching the reason for the periods of the biosphere,  biological system, and biotic environment.

Studying and researching the reason for the DNA of the solar system and Milky Way galaxy.

The dark matter is spacetime, and the period of mass extinction and the life span also are spacetime.

That means: the dark matter decided the the period of mass extinction and the life span.

We must study and research dark matter, the TaiJi model of the universe, and HeTu which relate to DNA of human and binary system to find a way to avoid the next mass extinction!

See Dayong Cao, “Times of Mass Extinctions Drew The Cross And HeTu*” https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR24/Session/OD01.9

New Einstein Field Equation Explains of Dark Matter and Dark Energy


We hope you join us to develop the work!

All the best!

Thank you!

Dayong Cao
