TaiJi Model both of Solar System and Life System

“The mass, energy, space and time systemic theory-MEST”


Ring of nine Gamma Ray Burst overlap with the hot spot of my hypothesis


The dark matter is spacetime, and the period of mass extinction and the life span also are spacetime.

That means: the dark matter decided the the period of mass extinction and the life span.

For the next mass extinction, there is “the same time point” between the period of the next mass extinction and the period of the life system of the Earth.

We must study and research dark matter, the TaiJi model of the universe, and HeTu which relate to the DNA of humans and binary system to find a way to avoid “the same time point” and the next mass extinction!

See Dayong Cao, “Times of Mass Extinctions Drew The Cross And HeTu*” https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR24/Session/OD01.9

New Einstein Field Equation Explains of Dark Matter and Dark Energy


In 2010, We brought forward that there was a spacetime center in Jupiter that supported the TaiJi model of the Solar system and was proven by NASA’s new measurements.

See Cao, Dayong, J03.00008 ”My Idea that Jupiter Has A Spacetime (Gas AS Liquid Fluid ) Center Was Supported By New NASA Observations of Jupiter


Newton and Einstein both calculated the structure of the solar system planets and established the scientific edifice. However, they did not know that Jupiter was the center of the fluid. This new discovery will change the original scientific theory, the hypothesis of the structure of the solar system and the hypothesis of the formation of the solar system, and even the entire framework of cosmology. It will also overturn the foundation of physics and mathematics. It proves the scientific nature of my theory of improving the Einstein field equations of general relativity.

We hope you will join us in developing the work!