DNA Structure With Spacetime

There is a balance of the flat universe between the stellar matter and the dark massenergy (include dark matter and dark energy) which make of dark hole which has the center of the spacetime. The Einstein’s equation has the other formula of the structure of the center of spacetime. There are also balance system between the solar system and its companion dark hole, and between the Milky Way galaxy and its center of the huge dark hole. The model of stellar matter can explain of the structure of molecule by electromagnetic interaction (of the spacetime effect). The ring structure both the nucleic acid and protein is like the structure of the center of the spacetime. It produced by an interaction of double helix between dark massenergy and stellar matter when the companion dark hole of sun seasonal impacted near solar system, and took dark comets and dark massenergy on the earth, and made extinctions while they were producing new DNA of lives, broke the old one to the petroleum, natural gas, and coal. DNA of extraterrestrial being who live on system of the companion dark hole maybe have special ring structure with the double helix. A new big extinction is coming for human being and extraterrestrial being. http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2015.APR.H14.8 http://meetings.aps.org/link/BAPS.2012.APR.K1.79

See Dayong Cao, “Ring Structure of Center of Spacetime, DNA, and Extraterrestrial Being”
