“The auther’s new idear about the dark comet be authenticated. There are a lot of asteroids and dark matter-energy near the orbit of Jupiter.'',
Black hole have many dark planets who is made up of dark matter-energy like that Sun have many planets.” (see Dayong Cao, BAPS.2008.DNP.LG.8, BAPS.2008.SES.NC.5), The comet is dark planet.'' (see Dayong Cao, BAPS.2009.APR.E1.33).
Comets' orbiting a black hole'' (see R. Maiolino, G. Risaliti, etc. http://arxiv.org/abs/1005.3365), and ``NASA's WISE Eye Spies Near-Earth Asteroid -those that don't reflect much visible light'' (see Whitney Clavin, http://www.nasa.gov/mission\_pages/WISE/news/wise20100122.html). ``The sun is the mass-energy center. The dark hole is the space-time center. So the comet is space-time center too. It is very dark by absorbed light. Sun has a companion dark hole with the Oort cloud as a dark planet belt. During passed 500 million years, The companion dark hole goes near sun and takes the dark comet to impact our earth every 250 million years.'' So the impaction will come now. (see Dayong Cao, BAPS.2010.SES.DA.26). A mass-energy coordinate of a new theory of the black hole be bring put forward, and the
Tyche’ is the companion dark hole which be supposed by the author. `Can WISE Find the Hypothetical
Tyche’?” (see Whitney Clavin, http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/news/news.cfm?release=2011-060).”
see Dayong Cao, “The mass, energy, space and time systemic theory-MEST-the auther’s new idea about the comet be authenticated”
In 2010, we proposed that there was a period of 250 million years of mass extinctions on our earth—the”Extinction Clock.” During this period, 80% of mass extinctions occurred.
And the period of 250 million years of the mass extinctions was recorded by HeTu 4000 years ago.

See Dayong Cao, “Times of Mass Extinctions Drew The Cross And HeTu*” https://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR24/Session/OD01.9